Martial Art Injury Treatment

Participation in martial arts can result in many injuries. 

These injuries can vary from mild to severe. Some most common martial art injuries are bruises, cuts, strains, and sprains.

  • In cage fights, there are chances of broken bones as well.
  • Martial art injuries affect the ankle, knee, shoulder, and elbows.
  • In striking martial arts, hands are vulnerable to injury.
  • Striking martial arts can result in more injuries like head, nose, face, and mouth.
  • Some martial arts moves result in neck injuries.

In this article, we will discuss martial art injury treatment and prevention techniques.

Most Common Martial Art Injuries and Their Treatment

No doubt, martial art training provides lots of excellent benefits. Sometimes, despite ensuring full safety, injury can occur during training. The most common injuries associated with martial arts training and their treatments are given below:

  • Scrapes and Bruises
  • Scrapes, bumps, and bruises are common in any martial art. However, these injuries are minor and no need to worry much about them. Most of the time, these injuries can be prevented with proper measures. Proper training attire, appropriate equipment, and high-quality mats can prevent occurring of these injuries. 

    Scratches and cuts should be thoroughly washed and treated with an antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly. If you want some natural ways, then you can use aloe vera gel. The wound must be covered when necessary and periodically check them to prevent infection. Bruising effects can be improved by resting the affected area. Moreover, compression and applying ice is the best way to eliminate swelling. 

  • Groin Strain  
  • Many martial arts training involves kicking, and these kicking motions put individuals at risk for muscle strains located in the groin area. These injuries result in muscle spasms, general tenderness, and tightness in the groin area. Again, you can apply ice on the inner thigh to reduce pain and swelling. 

    When you need compression for groin injuries, you can use a heated wrap. For muscle strains, heated wraps are best because moist heat can penetrate deep into muscles. Moreover, you can perform light stretching of affected muscles for quick recovery. 

  • Hamstring Injuries
  • Such injuries are not different from the groin, but these are located in the large muscle at the back of the upper leg. These injuries result from the execution of high kicks that are not properly stretched and warmed up. When hamstring muscles are injured, give them rest. You can use ice to reducing swelling and pain. When lying down or sitting, the leg should be elevated. If the pain and swelling are severe, you can take anti-inflammatory medicines. 

    Minor injuries are avoidable for people who are improving their discipline and fitness. On the other hand, participants in a martial art can minimize the risk of injuries by following the safety precautions during the training session and in the cage. So, whenever you suffer from any of the injuries mentioned above, you can follow the treatment and tips suggested making your entry back in the gym as soon as possible. 

    Prepare for Injuries

    Despite following all the safety measures and wearing safety equipment, there is always a chance of injury. Instructors and other staff must know the first aid address minor injuries, such as bruises, strains, face cuts, and sprains.

    Always ready and prepared for emergencies. Coaches and staff must have everything ready to seek medical personnel to help with significant injuries.

    How to Prevent Martial Art Injuries? 

    You can prevent martial art injuries by using proper protective equipment, supervision in new techniques, and having thorough training. 

    Proper Preparation

    It is essential to perform an appropriate preparation before stepping into any sport. Follow the below-given steps.

  • Physical Examination 
  • Before participating in any sport it is important to see your doctor. Physical exam and patient history are required for all high school sports. However, you don’t have to provide documentation for martial arts and community sports. 

  • Maintain Fitness
  • When you begin your martial arts training, make sure that you are in physical condition. When you are tired during training and competition, it can result in injuries. Don’t participate in any activity if you are too much tired. If you are out of shape, firstly bring your body in shape and move towards a higher fitness level. Before attempting complex martial arts, build your endurance and strength. 

  • Warm-up 
  • Take time to warm up before starting your training. Studies have shown that cold muscles are more prone to injury. Warm-up with running, jumping jacks, or walking for 3 to 5 minutes is more than enough. 

  • Cool Down and Stretches 
  • People are too busy in their lives, so they ignore stretching. Stretching can keep muscles flexible and long. Moreover, it can reduce muscle soreness. It is essential to stretch your muscles after training to prevent injury. It is necessary to cool down and perform stretches, and you need to do this daily. 

    Wear Protective Equipment

    You can minimize the risk of injuries by wearing protective equipment. 

    • Headgear is essential for sparring. 
    • Protected waist belts and cups add protection to the groin area. 
    • Mouthguards can protect your teeth, tongue, and mouth. 
    • If you wear glasses, you need to wear glass guards or safety glasses to protect your eyes. 
    • Use appropriately sized wraps for hand and uses them properly. When hands are properly wrapped, they will feel secure. 
    • It is important to wear proper footwear. On matted floors, avoid using socks and footwear that can cause slipping. It is better to go barefoot for more stability. Moreover, your instructor can guide you about the best footwear according to your skill level and activity.  


    Injuries can occur at any time despite all the safety precautions and measures. You need to have an idea of injury treatments. You can treat minor injuries yourself by suggested methods. Moreover, you can visit doctors for serious injuries. Rest yourself until full recovery and rejoin the gym when you are fully recovered.

    Sky Hoon. About
    Martial Art Fan
    He started his love on martial arts by watching MMA and Angela Lee. He then started this blog to learn more about the different martial arts.
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